Tissue Marking Dye Stand
Tissue Marking Dye Stand
“I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones” - John Cage
Tissue Marking Dye Stand
This slide folder by PathSUPPLY has a 20 capacity limit. The front folding flaps have 20 numbered spaces to index each slide accordingly. Slide folder is made from 10 mm Chipboard. 10 folders per box.
PathSPACER, Soft Foam Slide Storage Spacers, 1 1/4″ x 1/16″ x 3/4″, bag/20, black. The unique sizes allow the spacer to be rotated to hold different sized storage systems. Squeeze the foam spacer, insert into the drawer and release. The spacer expands to fill the space and support the row of slides. PathSPACER is offered by PathSUPPLY.